

27 found for 'amsterdam' in persons

Nina Meilof
Nina Meilof is an multi media advisor and an independent producer TV and internet programmes. Beside other projects, she worke...

Iona Sharp Casas
Iona Sharp Casas is a Catalan/English independent writer, researcher and cultural analyst based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
tags:  artarchivetheory

Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies
The Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies is a research initiative of the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

The AC...
tags:  politicsmediaglobalisationtheory

Noortje Marres
Noortje Marres is a political philosopher and researcher at the University of Amsterdam. She completed her Ph.D. thesis No Iss...

Michael Dieter
Michael Dieter is a PhD candidate at University of Melbourne, currently completing a doctoral thesis on the relations between ...
tags:  tactical mediamedia theory

Tjebbe van Tijen
Tjebbe vam Tijen is a Dutch artist, theorist and curator.
tags:  artarchivedesignnext 5 minutes

Daniel van der Velden
Daniel van der Velden is a graphic designer and writer. He graduated from the Willem de Kooning Academy, and studied in Maastri...
tags:  designwikileaks

Geert Lovink
Geert Lovink is a media theorist, net critic and activist.

Patrice Riemens

Patrice Riemens (born 1950) is a geographer and currently the Fellow of the Waag Society in Amsterdam. He is a promote...

Menno Grootveld
Menno Grootveld ran a pirate tv-station (Rabotnik TV) in the early eighties, which later became one of the first legal local b...
tags:  tactical mediagrassroot journalismactivismindependent media

Merijn Oudenampsen
Merijn Oudenampsen is an urban sociologist, active member of the Flexmens collective and a freelance researcher. His main rese...
tags:  politicsenvironmentcampaign

Josephine Bosma
Josephine Bosma lives and works in Amsterdam. From an art background, she is a journalist and author in the fields of art, new...

Meg McLagan
Meg McLagan is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at New York University where she teaches in the Program in Culture and M...

Eric Kluitenberg
Eric Kluitenberg is an independent theorist, writer, and organiser on culture, media and technology.  He is the editor-in-chief ...
tags:  arttactical mediamedia theorypublic domainhybrid space

Annet Dekker
Annet Dekker is an independent researcher and curator. She is currently Assistant Professor of Media Studies: Archival Science a...
tags:  artarchivetheory

Raul Marroquin
Raul Marroquin was born in Bogota, Colombia, in 1948 and has lived in the Netherlands since 1971. He has worked with film, vid...

Darko Fritz
Darko Fritz Fritz is artist and independent curator and researcher. He was born in 1966, in Croatia, and currently he lives an...
tags:  tactical mediamigrationmedia criticism

Matteo Pasquinelli
Matteo Pasquinelli is a writer, curator and researcher. He completed his doctorate at Queen Mary University of London with a th...
tags:  theorymedia theory

Calin Dan
Artist Born 1955, Arad, Romania Based in Amsterdam and Bucharest MA in Art History & Theory. Initial career as art journalist, ...
tags:  art

Oleg Kireev
Oleg Kireev (born 1975) - art- and mediacritic, editor and curator, writer, critic and activist, founder of the Ghetto collect...
tags:  urban interventioncriticism

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