

121 found for 'hybrid media' in persons

Aalam Wassef
Aalam Wassef, 38, is an Egyptian independent artist (installations, new media), blogger and internet activist.
He is bas...
tags:  artnet.activismmiddle east

Eric Kluitenberg
Eric Kluitenberg is an independent theorist, writer, and organiser on culture, media and technology.  He is the editor-in-chief ...
tags:  arttactical mediamedia theorypublic domainhybrid space

Micz Flor
Micz Flor is a flexecutive cultural producer and media developer with a special interest in video and streaming media.
tags:  cultureradiocommunity mediagrassroot journalismstreaming media

Julian Oliver
Artist | Critical Engineer
tags:  arttactical gizmologycritical engineering

Geert Lovink
Geert Lovink is a media theorist, net critic and activist.

Luchezar Boyadjiev
Luchezar Boyadjiev is a Bulgarian artist, working and living in Sofia, Bulgaria. As an Eastern European artist he often found ...
tags:  post-governmental organisation

Big Noise Films
Big Noise Films is a collective of media-makers around the world, dedicated to circulating beautiful, passionate, revolutionary ...
tags:  tactical mediaindependent mediamedia criticismcinema

Daoud Kuttab
Daoud Kuttab is a former Ferris Professor of Journalism at Princeton University ('07-'08). While at Princeton he taught a semina...
tags:  Palestinesatellite television

Ricardo Rosas
Ricardo Rosas is a writer, translator and experimental musician. He was one of the organizers of the Brazilian Tactical Media L...
tags:  tactical mediaBrazil

Michael Dieter
Michael Dieter is a PhD candidate at University of Melbourne, currently completing a doctoral thesis on the relations between ...
tags:  tactical mediamedia theory

Sam de Silva
Sam de Silva is a creative producer and media practitioner. He has a multi-disciplinary background and has an interest in tact...

Joanne Richardson
Organiser, networker and writer, based in Cluj. Born in Bucharest, Romania, grew up in New York. Ex-philosopher, media theoris...

David Garcia
David Garcia is an artist, teacher and organizer who...
tags:  arttactical medianext 5 minutestactical televisiontactical education

Adam Hyde
Adam Hyde is a sound and radio artist from New Zealand, and CEO of Floss Manuals - Free Manuals for Free Software.
He is ...
tags:  free software

Annet Dekker
Annet Dekker is an independent researcher and curator. She is currently Assistant Professor of Media Studies: Archival Science a...
tags:  artarchivetheory

Christian Fuchs
Chair in Media and Communication Studies
Uppsala University
Department of Informatics and Media Studies

Barbara Abrash
Barbara Abrash is a teacher, curator and independent producer. She is the director of public programs at the Center for Medi...

rebellious media conference
About the RMC

Frustrated with the mainstream media's coverage of war, climate change and the economy, or already ...
tags:  diy mediaindependent mediamedia criticism

DeeDee Halleck
DeeDee Halleck is a media activist and co-founder of Paper Tiger Television a...
tags:  tactical mediaindependent mediamedia criticismprison

Donatella Della Ratta
Donatella Della Ratta is a PhD fellow at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, New Islamic Public Sphere Prog...
tags:  net.activism

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