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About n5m4
21 Nov 2002
Frequency Free Radio - Press Statement
At the end of the ?70s, when I was 9 years old, I left Romania with my parents ? seeking political asylum ? after many illegal s(..)>>
7 Nov 2002
Tranzit House, Cluj, Romania
Over this summer, I have been deeply impressed by new, alternative cultural initiatives in the Middle of Europe. While the profi(..)>>
17 Sep 2002
The Language of Tactical Media
An earlier version of this text was first circulated on the Next 5 Minutes 4 editorial mailing list. Current version rewritten f(..)>>
17 Feb 2003
Constructing the Digital Commons:
by Eric Kluitenberg, Amsterdam, March 2003 Democracy can be understood in two notably distinct ways. In the institutional(..)>>
19 Nov 2002
Indigenous People's Tactical Media
Since the first Next 5 Minutes our definition of tactical media has been broad enough to encompass media made by indigenous peop(..)>>
5 Nov 2002
From Tactical Media to Digital Multitudes
"As the situationists concluded, the true fulfillment of art ultimately implies going beyond the boundaries of art, bringing (..)>>
4 Nov 2002
From Tactical Media to Digital Multitudes
From: McKenzie Wark To: nettime-l@bbs.thing.net Subject: Re:
From Tactical Media to Digital Multitudes Date: Sat, (..)>>
4 Nov 2002
Culture and Technologies of Control
Introduction to the cultural intelligence manual "Tactical Reality Dictionary" .- .... .- - .. ... - .... .. ...(..)>>
3 Nov 2002
A Virtual World is Possible:
By Geert Lovink and Florian Schneider>>
24 Oct 2002
A reality check on Tactical Media?
Discussion of N5M4's first Tactical Media Lab, at Imagine IC, Amsterdam. >>
24 Sep 2002
What Can Tactical Media do About Illegality
By organizing a Tactical Media Lab in the Bijlmer, the part of Amsterdam which probably hosts the biggest amount of illegal peo(..)>>
14 Sep 2002
Henk Oosterling on Media & Terror
Henk Oosterling, philosopher, Erasmus University Rotterdam >>
13 Sep 2002
Media and Terror
This is a talk I gave at De Balie center for cultural and political discussion in Amsterdam. This evening on the 11th of Septe(..)>>
11 Sep 2002
"Debates&Credits" Dutch-Russian art project-action
D&C is an attempt to find possibilities for artists to enter into a direct dialogue with mass audiences by intervening with a (..)>>
9 Sep 2002
International Editorial Team
The main task of this board is to facilitate and support the local meetings, and to filter the outcomes of each of the series of(..)>>
9 Sep 2002
What the hell is a TML?
To some the nature of TMLs remain a bit to sketchy so I have recently fleshed out our understanding of their nature and function(..)>>
13 Dec 2002
NYU TML beyond the protype
In their article In their article "A Virtual World is Possible: From Tactical Media to Digital Multitudes Florian Schneider and (..)>>
19 Sep 2002
9-11 and after
For the early part of the TML we were joined by Barbara Abrash who with others from the Center for Media Culture and History pre(..)>>
21 Mar 2003
Net.Art to Net.Activism
This list includes links to all of the websites I discussed in my lecture at the Brasil Midia Tactica event, as well as to a few(..)>>
10 Mar 2003
Interview: Derek Holzer
In preparation for the TML next week in Sao Paulo Brasil, I was just asked by Brasillian journalist Alexandre Mathias to answer(..)>>
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