Search results for 'campaign'


Using the Media: the Clean Clothes Campaign 

The existing use of media so far has been determined by the local, decentralized nature of the campaign. Local groups are adapting, editing and redesigning existing material like research results, lines of argumentation and logos, photos and slogans. The educational material, used by trade unions, schools and churches is very specific and "customized", and therefore cannot be used in campaigns which target the general public.




Support campaign for 120 asylum seekers astray for over two years in Amsterdam.

We have applied for asylum in your country. Our claims have been rejected. Now we are called 'illegals'. But we prefer to call ourselves refugees. Wars, international conflicts and systematic violence have devastated our countries. So you understand why we don't like being called illegals. We are refugees. And now we live on the streets. We barely have rights. We have no means of subsistence.
