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Wide Open to the Web Warriors 

Activists are using the internet to fight large companies over ethical issues. Yet many major brand-owners lack a clear counter-strategy. Earlier this month a group of environmental activists staged a sit-in at Shell's London offices. Although Shell turned the power off and cut the phone lines, activist Roddy Mansfield  broadcast the protest live to the internet and e-mailed the press, using a digital camera, laptop computer and mobile phone.



Rehearsal of Memory 

About his CD-ROM production called ROM

The production of this interactive programme has been commissioned by Video Postive 1995 and the construction of the artwork is set to take place during January to April 1995.



    Florian Schneider

    Florian Schneider is a filmmaker, writer, and developer in the fields of new media, networking and open source technologies. In his work he focuses on bordercrossings between mainstream and independent media, art and activism, theory and technology.




    Support campaign for 120 asylum seekers astray for over two years in Amsterdam.

    We have applied for asylum in your country. Our claims have been rejected. Now we are called 'illegals'. But we prefer to call ourselves refugees. Wars, international conflicts and systematic violence have devastated our countries. So you understand why we don't like being called illegals. We are refugees. And now we live on the streets. We barely have rights. We have no means of subsistence.



    Free Jeremy Hammond 

    Jeremy Hammond Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison! Show Him He Still Has Our Support!
    Jeremy Hammond is a 28-year-old political activist sentenced to 120  months in prison, with an additional 3 years probation upon his release, after pleading guilty to the Anonymous conspiracy to hack the private intelligence firm Strategic Forecasting (Stratfor). A longtime proponent of "hactivism," his actions are a form of electronic civil disobedience. He believes that "people have a right to know what governments and corporations are doing behind closed doors."



    Michael Seemann

    Michael Seemann studied Applied Cultural Studies in Lüneburg. Since 2005 he is active on the internet with various projects. He founded and ('reading Twitter'), organized various events and runs the popular podcast In 2010 he began the blog CTRL-verlust, about the loss of control over data on the internet. In 2014 he published Das neue Spiel after a successful crowdfunding campaign. Now he blogs at and writes for various media like Rolling Stone, TIME online, SPEX, Spiegel Online, c't and the DU magazine. He gives lectures on whistleblowing, privacy, copyright, internet culture and the crisis of institutions in times of Kontrollverlust.
