Search results for 'net+criticism'


Pit Schultz

Media artist, lives and works in Berlin. Co-founder of - a moderated mailing list for net criticism, collaborative text filtering, and cultural politics of the nets ( Pit Schultz is also the co-founder of the Bootlab abd, both in Berlin.



    Felix Stalder

    Felix Stalder is a researcher, economist, and media theorist, working in Zürich and Vienna. He is co-founder and co-moderator of the influential nettime mailing list for net criticism.



    the banality of cyberpunk, short notes on wikileaks 

    a year ago wikileaks was as known as any other hacker project on the
    chaos computer congress in berlin. its organizers which you remember
    only by surname were talking about technical and organisational
    issues, smoking a joint and gathering collaborators and co-developers.
    like often german or swedish hackers were running the backend of this
    project. they like the technocratic part where organisation and code
    goes together. here is where wikileaks has its center, and the idea of
    it was rather a channel, a protocol, or a p2p network to allow more
    transparency in information. the opposite movement against closing
    down on information which belongs to the public, and a direct result
    of a cyberpunk worldview, where an oligarchy of  a few corporations
    runs the world.



    Digital Solidarity by Felix Stalder 

    Felix Stalder's extended essay, Digital Solidarity, responds to the wave of new forms of networked organisation emerging from and colliding with the global economic crisis of 2008. Across the globe, voluntary association, participatory decision-making and the sharing of resources, all widely adopted online, are being translated into new forms of social space.



    Inke Arns

    Inke Arns, curator and artistic director of Hartware MedienKunstVerein ( in Dortmund, Germany, since 2005. She has worked internationally as an independent curator, writer and theorist specializing in media art, net cultures, and Eastern Europe since 1993. She lived in Paris (1982-86), finished school in West-Berlin in 1988, studied Russian literature, Eastern European studies, political science, and art history in Berlin and Amsterdam (1988-96) and in 2004 obtained her PhD from the Humboldt University in Berlin, with a thesis focusing on a paradigmatic shift in the way artists reflected the historical avant-garde and the notion of utopia in visual and media art projects of the 1980s and 1990s in (ex-)Yugoslavia and Russia.



    NEURO networking Europe 

    From February 27th to 29th young artists, filmmak- ers, musicians, theorists and activists from all over Europe and many other parts of the world meet at the Muffathalle in Munich for NEURO; a number of events, speeches, discussions, presentations, performances, concerts and actions reflecting the pulse of the age. About two years after the first make-world festival, NEURO will again interface with current debates around migration and mobility, racism and nationalism, civil society and global mobilisation, networking and new technologies, informatisation and precarious labour, education and control society, common organising, and digital culture.



    Grundrisse einer Netzkritik 

    1. Toward a European Standard Code for Critical Interchange (ESCCI)

    Bezeichnen wir das Internet einfach einmal als 'Kind der Moderne', soist das klassische Genre der Kritik sicherlich ein Teil davon. Im nochandauernden Zeitalter des multikulturellen Massenkonformismus, vollerMikropraxis und Ich-Management, ist die Kunst der Kritik jedoch inVergessenheit geraten. Die hiesigen Kommentare zielen nur noch aufKorrektur von Verhaltensweisen ab. Die Meinungsmacher/innen haben allesAngebotene laengst hinter sich, sie sehen das Ganze wirklichdifferenziert, aus sicherem Abstand. Die glueckliche Tatsache, man seieben nicht engagiert, wird als persoenliche Errungenschaft gefeiert.Solche talking heads ohne Eigenschaften sind aber nutzlos in Zeitenrascher Entwicklungen, sowie das beim Wachstum der Computernetze imMoment der Fall ist.



    The ABC of Tactical Media 

    Tactical Media are what happens when the cheap 'do it yourself' media, made possible by the revolution in consumer electronics and expanded forms of distribution (from public access cable to the internet) are exploited by groups and individuals who feel aggrieved by or excluded from the wider culture. Tactical media do not just report events, as they are never impartial they always participate and it is this that more than anything separates them from mainstream media.



    30 Years of Tactical Media 

    This is a short text [1] which appears in "Public Netbase: Non Stop Future. New  Practices in Art and Media" edited by the fine people at the New Media, in cooperation with World-Information Institute / t0. This book was presented at Transmediale 2009 in Berlin.

    Tactical media as a practice has a long history and, it seems save to  predict, an even longer future. Yet its existence as a distinct concept  around which something of a social movement, or more precisely, a self- aware network of people and projects would coalesce has been relatively  short lived, largely confined to the internet's first decade as a mass  medium (1995-2005).



    Rise and Decline of the Syndicate: the End of an Imagined Community 

    To: nettime-l {AT}
    Subject: <nettime> Rise and Decline of the Syndicate
    Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 15:52:49 +0100

    The Syndicate mailing list imploded and went down in August 2001, destroying the life-line of the Syndicate network. The network had been in a shaky situation for a while, due - we believe - to the destabilisation of the problematic balance between personal contacts of list members, lurking and filtering-and-not-reading-let-alone-posting subscribers, and a growing number of self-promoters who used the list as a personal performance space and disregarded the social rules of the online community.
